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Dec 23 2022

Google Manufacturer Center :: Part 2

By Allie Bates

Google gives manufacturers control of how their products are presented across Google through the Manufacturer Center. Product content can be pulled over from the Google Merchant Center or a feed can be uploaded directly to the Manufacturer Center.

The GTIN attribute is used to match products across retailer’s Merchant Center feeds. If a brand is participating in sending content to the Manufacturer Center, Google will utilize this GTIN’s content for certain placements like the below examples:




Extra Product Content You can Provide to the Manufacturer Center

While syncing the Merchant Center feed with its standard attributes to the Manufacturer Center will still provide benefit, there are some extra feed attributes that Manufacturer Center can leverage to help enhance the product’s details as much as possible. It’s possible to add these attributes into your Merchant Center feed so you can still sync the accounts to avoid having to send multiple feeds to different destinations, etc.

Here is a look at some of the attributes brands would want to consider passing to Google for use in the Manufacturer Center:

See more information from Google on Manufacturer Center vs. Merchant Center feeds and attributes here. Note, there are a few subtle inconsistencies between this info and the product data specification for Manufacturer Center found here.